WCELIBCEX - Windows CE C Library Extensions |
Project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wcelibcex Package of C library extensions for Windows CE operating system. It is a supplement to C library available on Windows CE platform. The main objective of the project is to provide helper utilities for porting applications from Unix and Windows. Originally, the WCELIBCEX development was founded by Taxus SI Ltd. and in 2005 released as an Open Source Software project. The WCELIBCEX project is currently maintained by Mateusz Łoskot. LicenceThe WCELIBCEX library is available under the terms of the BSD License DownloadThe source code packages are available from download page:
The source code is also available directly from the SVN repository: svn co https://wcelibcex.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wcelibcex wcelibcex Mailing listsDevelopers